What Elon Musk can teach us about copyright

What Elon Musk can teach us about copyright

Andreas Sætre Hanssen • CEO and attorney, Zipip

How did Twitter’s rebranding to X go, and was everything done by the book? Andreas is one of Norway’s leading specialists on the protection and use of IP.

8. September 2023
Circular economy and merchandise

Circular economy and merchandise

Alexander Haneng • Chief of digital innovation, Posten and Bring

What is circular economy, and how do you work with both that and the trade of goods from a technological perspective?

28. April 2023
Robust code from scratch

Robust code from scratch

August Lilleaas • Developer and author

How do you write robust code without relying on existing frameworks? And what are the benefits? August wrote the book “Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch”.

3. March 2023
The EU and Norway

The EU and Norway

Heidi Nordby Lunde • Leader, European Movement in Norway

What is the EU and how has the union changed in recent years? What role does the EU play in Norway, and what does the future hold for the relationship?

24. June 2022
Ultramarathon and digital nomadism

Ultramarathon and digital nomadism

Hans Kristian Smedsrød • Ultra runner and podcaster

How can one utilize web and design experience to realize the dream of running an ultramarathon? And what is life like as a digital nomad?

21. January 2022
What's going on with the energy market at the moment?

What's going on with the energy market at the moment?

Christer Gilje • Chief of Communication, Statnett

How does the electricity market work? What is Acer? And why are electricity prices so high right now?

19. November 2021
Fusing art with design in UX and storytelling

Fusing art with design in UX and storytelling

Nando Costa • Distinguished Designer, Microsoft

Microsoft is a large organisation, which has not always been design-centric. What can be done with art and design work to create cohesive communication across all your varied products?

20. August 2021
The airline industry during the pandemic

The airline industry during the pandemic

Christian Kamhaug • Podcaster, Flypodden

What happens to the airline industry when nobody travels? What measures are being taken at the moment, and who will survive?

18. June 2021
The blockchain revolution

The blockchain revolution

Jon Ramvi • CEO, Blockchangers inc.

What is blockchain, how will it affect society and what does it mean for our industry? Jon Ramvi is referred to as the godfather of Norwegian blockchain.

7. May 2021
Life as a screenwriter

Life as a screenwriter

Julie Skaufel • Screenwriter, “Hjem til jul”

How do you maintain control when writing many different scripts over a long period of time? And what happens when you suddenly have to collaborate with Netflix?

12. February 2021
The USA election

The USA election

Lisa Cooper • Democrats Abroad Norway

How does the political system work in the United States, and what does it look like in the run-up to the election between Trump and Biden?

30. October 2020
Your private life is for sale!

Your private life is for sale!

Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad • Senior advisor, Norwegian Consumer Council

How much information do you really leave behind on the internet? What do companies use the collected data for, and what does the Norwegian Consumer Council do to hold them accountable?

11. September 2020
The importance of colors for human well-being

The importance of colors for human well-being

Koi Colour and Design Studio

KOI has been responsible for the coloring of Beining & Bogen’s offices, and colors play a bigger role in everyday life than you might think. What can be done to best utilize the effect colors have on us?

7. February 2020
Experience geeking and innovation

Experience geeking and innovation

Thuy Gia Nguyen • Senior UX/UI Designer, FINN

How does FINN.no work with UI and UX, and how was the new filter in their app designed?

15. November 2019
Strategic communication in the Norwegian army

Strategic communication in the Norwegian army

Brede Hertzenberg • Strategic advisor, The Army

What is strategic communication and what role does it play in the context of military defense? How does the Norwegian Armed Forces handle the growing amount of “fake news”?

23. August 2019

Should we talk as well?

Get in touch with Andreas to discuss how you can become part of our team. We are always interested in hearing from potential speakers too!

Should we talk as well?