Client Sunnaas Sykehus
Our roles Design, iOS, Konseptutvikling, Prosjektledelse, Rådgivning, UX
Launch September 2019

The game helps the patient understand their own situation, and prepares them for what will happen in the future. It provides the information one needs to make informed choices, in an engaging way.

The player navigates from topic to topic, represented by various planets:

The injury planet – Learn more about the damage
The rehabilitation planet – What can be done to recover?
The planet of emotions – How do you feel?
The hospital planet – Who works in the hospital and what do they do?
The food and drink planet – Food and drink are essential to the body!
The home planet – What is it like to come home again after an injury?

Ongoing dialogue between hospital workers and developers was a vital part of the process. User testing also ensured a game that works for all patients, whether or not they are admitted to Sunnaas.

We designed and developed the game for the iPad. The music and sound effects have been specially composed by the Kyoshu Orchestra (Christian Alexander Espeseth, Haldor August Sørmoen, Nicklas Myhre and Sverre Dahlback).

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We are proud of all the apps we have worked on, and are constantly looking to create more great experiences. Ask Andreas about what possibilities exist!

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